Above is our Anniversary Cake and a picture of our New Members along with our Treasurer Lotys Gooding, third from the left, our President Orlander Marshall, centre and Vice President Jerry Halliday on the far right.
The above pictures are a cross section of our attendees.
We must thank MP Rechie Valdez, who sent representatives as she could not be present, Councillors Martin Reid, Ward 9 and Sue McFadden, Ward 10, where we enjoy the use of this beautiful space, for visiting with us and making presentations to our group on our achievement of 20 years. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of them.
It was a wonderful celebration and a great time was had by all.

Last Tuesday we celebrated a milestone birthday of one of our members. Here is a small peek at some of the presentations made to him by one of our Councillors and representatives of various members of parliament.

Our members enjoying an afternoon at the Adult Centre at Churchill Meadows.

This is a picture of our Spring Fling king and queen for 2018.

This is our Spring Fling king and queen for 2019.

Roy Maynard Seniors Council Executive Member and 55+ Trustee.
Above area a few pictures from our Christmas Dinner Dance. The first picture top left is of our 2019 Queen, Joyce Goldson saying the opening prayer while our MC Jerry Halliday looks on.
Picture #2 shows Wilma Francis our Public Relations Officer and Mary Henry our Matriarch in the foreground.
Picture #3 is of one of our Scholarship recipients giving an acceptance speech with presenters in the background.
Picture #4 shows a small cross section of the attendees.